Hey y’all,
I wanted to send you a quick note that as of today I am taking a short break from publishing this Substack and all other Might Could projects.
I have paused all subscription billing which means the billing cycles for all paid subscribers have been frozen where they are. So if you have, for example, 14 days (on a monthly plan) or 8 months (on an annual plan) left on your subscription, that is where you will remain. And you’ll pick up right there once subscriptions are unpaused. You will not be charged for any time in between while I am not publishing essays and posts, and you will be alerted when the billing cycle is about to begin again.
There are multiple things going on in my non-work/non-art life that are taking up a lot of time and mental energy and I need to allow myself to fully focus on those things for now.
I love writing this publication and working on my jellyfish book and drawing the Art of Wisdom, and I will be back! I just need some time to attend to these other things for a bit. I hope to take a 1-2 month break, but we shall see.
I am so, so grateful to all of you for being here and following my art through the years and I hope you’ll stick around so we can keep drawing and making art together!
P.S. I plan to still be drawing a lil’ bit in my sketchbook (and nature journal!) during this break, so I’ve included the Spring-related MCDT prompts I’ll be using below to hopefully encourage ongoing art for us all!
MCDT March: The Beginning of Spring
For March, I’ve researched and pulled out some things I think most signify the beginning of Spring. I realized that one reason I wanted to do a nature journal was to be more in tune with the changing seasons and more aware of the local environment around me. So this is my attempt to move in that direction!
This list is local to my area (the mountains of North Carolina), so you are welcome and encouraged to find appropriate plants and animals for your area. You may even be in a completely different season if you live on the other side of the world!
Flowers budding and blooming
Daffodils, Crocuses, Dwarf Iris, Forsythia, Trout Lilies, Azure Bluets
Trees budding and blooming
Eastern Redbud, Saucer Magnolias, Dogwood
Birds returning, nesting, and/or singing
Pileated Woodpecker, Barn Swallows, Purple Martins, Rough-Winged Swallows, American woodcocks, Bluebirds, Red-tailed hawks, Chimney swifts, Common nighthawks, Yellow-throated warblers, Whip-poor-wills, chuck-will’s-widows, Brown-headed nuthatches
Mammals emerging from hibernation and having babies
Groundhogs, Eastern Gray Squirrels, Appalachian Cottontail bunnies, Eastern Pipistrelle bats, Minks, Red Foxes
Bugs hatching
Ladybugs, Eastern Tiger Swallowtail butterfly
Reptiles emerging from dormancy, croaking and/or mating
Southern toads, carpenter frogs, Eastern mud turtles, Southern cricket frogs
Fish spawning or becoming active
Chain pickerel, Brown trout, rainbow trout, brook trout, smallmouth bass
So, anyways. Thank you for being here and being so patient and kind and understanding. You all are the best.
All the best dear Christine. Sending heaps of hugs and best wishes. All the best.